do we go from here?
One-day symposium on Belgian refugees
One-day symposium on Belgian refugees
KU Leuven, Brussels Campus, 13 September 2018
Second Call for Papers / Panels / Posters
Second Call for Papers / Panels / Posters
Throughout the Centenary years the transnational
history of Belgian refugees and the First World War has been receiving
increasing attention, especially in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom.
Many (inter)national, regional and local history projects emerged, each with
its own valuable contribution to the overall history of First World War
displacement and often in an atmosphere of sharing information. Many academic
research projects appeared too, resulting in numerous publications referring to
Belgians in exile. Only few publications covered the specific history in detail,
proving that there is still ample ground to cover the history of the Belgian
The aim of this one-day symposium is therefore to take
stock of current research and position the displacement and temporary
settlement of Belgian refugees during the First World War within a double
framework. Firstly, within the context of the Centenary period and its local
projects or academic output papers are invited that expand existing knowledge
and/or that provide context and analysis to ongoing research. Secondly, the
symposium aims to open up new pathways into the histories of the respective
Belgian refugee communities, more in particular within a comparative context or
with a focus on the immediate aftermath of the war and/or legacy.
Papers are welcomed that provide a perspective on
existing research, elaborate on ongoing projects or uncover further primary
sources on Belgian refugees. Papers can be holistic as well as
interdisciplinary, taking from research such as memory studies, reception
studies, trauma studies and linguistic research, but not exclusively. Although
the symposium aims to reflect on past (hi)stories, contributions that relate
historical research Belgian refugees to current-day refugee situations are
equally encouraged to submit.
The event will very likely focus mainly on Belgian
refugees in exile in the UK and on those in the Netherlands.
Panels are equally invited, they ideally focus on
several papers that share specific characteristics (this can be spatial,
temporal but also along specific features of a Belgian exile community, such as
As the symposium aims to provide a platform where
interested parties can exchange information on their projects and interests
with relevant other interested parties, research projects – academic as well as
local ones – are invited to present a poster during the break sessions. Panels for posters are 120cm wide and 160cm high.
The symposium will provide ample networking
opportunities beyond the usual coffee breaks.
The language of the symposium is English.
Papers are invited
for 25 minute presentations, send a 300 word
abstract and brief bio;
for a one hour panel, send a 300 word proposal and
a 100-word bio per participant;
for a poster, send a summary of your project or
what you would like to present.
The deadline for abstracts, panel proposals and
posters has been extended to Thursday 14
June, and should be sent to christophe.declercq@kuleuven.be.
Confirmation of acceptance Monday 18 June.
Organising committee:
Christophe Declercq (KU Leuven / UCL @belgianrefugees @chrisdec71),
Julian Walker (UCL / British Library @languagesFWW @JWalkerwords);
Philippa Read (University of Leeds @FWWBRefugees).
Christophe Declercq (KU Leuven / UCL @belgianrefugees @chrisdec71),
Julian Walker (UCL / British Library @languagesFWW @JWalkerwords);
Philippa Read (University of Leeds @FWWBRefugees).
Both the Letteren department of KU Leuven, Brussels
Campus, and the Centre for Reception Studies have kindly agreed to supporting
the event.
Peter Cahalan has kindly accepted to act as
honorary chairman of the event. The symposium expresses its sincere gratitude
to Pat Heron and Marleen Van Ouytsel, who both did not live to enjoy the fruits
of their efforts in relation to Belgian refugees research and commemorations.